Rebecca Field

Content Design. UX Writing.

Category: Blog

  • Friends who Travel

    It was with a sigh of relief that I unpacked my bags after a year teaching English abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Yes, the kids were cute. Yes, the food was amazing. And no, I never regret the privilege of being able to experience a new culture and travel somewhere new with a moments notice.…

  • Planes, Trains and the Pan Am Games

    On a Sunny Sunday morning a few weeks ago I groggily found myself on my way to Toronto’s Centre Island for a fun birthday bike ride with my mom (whose birthday happens to be the day before mine). Celebrating turning 25 was conflicting due to the fact that people simultaneously told me that I am both “still so…

  • Turtles and The Great Barrier Reef

    Floating along the Coral Sea near the coast of Cairns, Australia in a full body wet suit, I watch as a big lipped fish tears a great big piece of coral off The Great Barrier Reef and starts munching on it. From my vantage point at the surface–ears under water and snorkel mask tight to…